Tisséo Ingénierie – Line C of the metro
Supporting the third metro line construction to foster acceptance and pride
The future line C of the Toulouse metro is an innovative and concrete response to a shared need for mobility: designed as a real backbone for the region, it will be connected to the main bus network and will offer faster routes, making all areas of the greater Toulouse area more accessible. Connected to 5 stations, several types of facilities will also be located close to the stations to facilitate combined use of the metro and another mode of transport: cycle parking, bus stations, park-and-ride facilities, drop-off and car-sharing areas, etc. In 2028, when line C is brought into service, the public transport network will directly serve more than 500,000 inhabitants, i.e. 60% of the population of Greater Toulouse located less than 10 minutes from stations and stops.
Defining a local worksite communication strategy
Since 2019, Inconito has been working with Tisséo Ingénierie on the communications for this major project. The agency is providing advice on site communication strategy, designing and producing site communication media in print, audio, web and animated film, and helping to organise site-related events.
Construction communication: a vehicle to understanding and community engagement
The main challenge of this communication lies in the geographical area impacted, which is very vast and diverse given the 27 km route of the line, affecting a multitude of different targets. In this case, the worksite becomes a vehicle for communication, because it's by "seeing it done" that we can understand, project ourselves, form our own opinions and ultimately support it. In the past, the site area was often closed off and hid the work, but now it must be opened up and used as a communication relay to win the support of users.
The communication strategy and actions developed reflect the general exemplary nature of the worksite, and pursue the following objectives:
• to inform: establishing transparency and building strong trust with users by delivering clear, verified, and verifiable information to local residents (both private and professional) throughout the project’s lifecycle and evolution.
• to reassure: given the disruptions and inherent complexity, construction can cause discomfort. Therefore, communication must address concerns and take the lead in reassuring stakeholders, crucial for overall project acceptance!
• to convince: demonstrating the relevance of placing the metro in this part of the city, highlighting its viability, while raising awareness among users about broader mobility issues, whether social, environmental, or economic.