Via Santé – Groupe AG2R la mondiale

A digital and educational solution to increase the number of members

Conception / UX/UI design / Développement

Page d'accueil site internet

In a competitive market environment, VIASANTÉ needed to strengthen its positioning and the strong values of proximity, support, and innovation that define its brand. It also needed to simplify the understanding of how its health cover works, to help potential members make the right choice. In order to continue to live up to its members' expectations, VIASANTÉ wanted to redesign its website to integrate it more closely into the overall customer experience, while modernising its brand identity and making its health insurance offering clearer to understand.

Improving the user experience to promote the mutual's services

In addition to the site itself, the agency carried out an in-depth review that shed new light on the role of each existing site. This approach identified a need for consistency in the way the mutual's offers and services were promoted across its entire digital ecosystem, and for the site to become the heart of this ecosystem.

To design this project, Inconito deployed an in-depth UX methodology. Semi-structured interviews were held with VIA SANTÉ's various internal departments (Marketing, Customer Relations, Agency Sales, HR) to define the issues and brand vision for each. A quantitative study based on exploratory questionnaires of members and prospective members was then used to compare this vision with the expectations of the site's users. 

Co-design workshops were also held to better define the framework and stages of the online subscription process. The site was developed using Drupal. Since it went online in 2019, Inconito has been working hand in hand with Via Santé to develop the site from year to year, on functional aspects or to meet the brand's communication challenges.